Thursday, August 20, 2009

Poems and Other Things

We had a wonderful meeting of the Writers Haven on Sunday, August 16, at the home of Richard Panzer. Present were Richard, Valerie Shimoyama, June Saunders, Kerry Pobanz, Jerry Chesnut, Bob and Karen Beebe, and newcomer Mike Yurechko. Mike shared with us some wonderful poems he has written, reflecting his intimate relationship with nature. He also shared with the group his desire to write down some of his many experiences "on the road" in the course of his life. We look forward to more of his writing in the coming weeks and months. June shared with us a poem about her written by her neighbor entitled "Lady in the Yard." It captured June to a "T". Richard also reported how things have been going with the publication and promotion of his new book "The War on Intimacy." Finally, Bob reported on the progress with the upcoming second issue of the group's The Spirited Goldfinch. There will be between 8-10 submissions of short stories, essays and poems and will be available on by the end of the month.

Our next meeting is scheduled for this Sunday, August 30, 3:00-5:00 pm, at the New Home of Valerie Shimoyama (42 Carmer St., Belleville). She will be presenting a recent piece she wrote. She distributed copies to some of you at the last meeting. Also, Kerry will be presenting a new piece entitled "Breathing Love in the Spirit World." It should be an exciting meeting. I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

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