Saturday, September 3, 2011

YouTube is an additional resource for writers

Congratulations to all hurricane, (or tropical storm survivors)!  We certainly were hard hit by flooding in NJ.  I didn't experience it first hand, but I know many people who did, and it was quite a harrowing experience.

Welcome to the first post following a rather pleasant summer, (except for the 108 degree temperature we briefly experienced.)

I have made a number of posts on writer's resources on this blog, but these were links to blogs and web sites, RSS feeds, etc.  YouTube is another information resource for writers, and I wanted to pass along a video that I ran across.  

There are many how-to type videos available for writers, this is just one example, and it may not be the best.   I just thought it would alert our group about what is available on YouTube, the 3rd most visited site on the Internet.

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