Sunday, February 17, 2008

NJ Writers Group


Unknown said...

Hello writers,

The following is a description of a unique project relating to immigrants in America that I hope you will find close to your heart both personally and professionally.

The Choosing America Project is looking for true short stories that express the very essence of being an immigrant in America.We are interested in is eliciting gripping human interest stories that will reflect the diversity of the American immigrant experience, past and present.
For more details please go to .

Our concept is to disseminate this information to as many immigrants as possible in search of the best material. Please help us convey this information to writers, editors, students, professors, educators, seniors, colleagues and friends, community leaders and organizers as well as to community groups and organizations and to anyone who you believe can contribute to this project.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.

Yours sincerely,
Lia Friesem

Thanks for spreading the word!

The Choosing America Project

America is a nation of immigrants. Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Kissinger, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Greta Garbo, Martina Navratilova, Hans Bethe, Madeleine Albright, Gloria Estefan, Michael J. Fox ,Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carlos Santana, Sammy Sosa, Hakeem Olajuwon.

None of them was born in America. All chose America. Like you.

Whether you came from Germany, England, Italy or the Czech Republic, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, China, or Cuba, whether you immigrated to America as a child, a young adult, or with your own children, whether it was your decision or your parents', whether you immigrated in the 20's, 50s' the 80s' or just yesterday, you must have one special story to tell. And we want to hear it!

The Choosing America Project

We are looking for authentic dramatic anecdotes, short stories (1500-4000 words) that epitomize your experience as immigrants who CHOSE to live in America.

Think of that one thing that has happened to you as an immigrant - We are looking for those special moments, encounters, surprises, experiences, disappointments, which vividly convey what it's like to be an immigrant in America. The good, the bad, the sad, the miraculous, the joyful— every anecdote is welcome as long as it's authentic and well told.


The goal of our project is to turn some of these stories into short films that will be shown in the movies and broadcast on TV.

So think carefully of that special story that is worth telling the world, and share it with us.

Send your story to:

We'll be glad to answer any further questions you might have.

For more details go to:

John Lombaerde said...

Thanks for this informaton.

Sometimes in creating works of fiction we can easily forget that it the true stories that are often the most compelling. My grandfather came to the US from France in 1896, with his family. My wife came here in 1983 from Japan. Everyone has a unique story to tell. Your project sounds like it has great patriotic merit. All of us who read this blog will take a look at your web site.

Thank you.

John Lombaerde