Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Internet Writers sources for Search Engine Placement etc.

Well hello all !

I thought there might be some interest in this blog by now, but if you haven't posted yet, don't get blogged down, (no pun intended, of course), maybe we just need to have a meeting to explain how easy it is. I can show you how it is easier than word processing !

No matter, I'll put information here periodically. If you have some interest, just give me a call, or send me e-mail, and I'll walk you through the 2 easy steps to get blogging.

September 11 passed without major incident, PTL, I think we all know why. hmmmm.

I thought I would list a couple of places to get articles published on the Internet.

These are merely free sites, but that doesn't mean they are not read. They can help you develop notoriety, and I use them for Search Engine Placemant. Authoritative articles tend to do well, and have good staying power on Google and the other Search Engines.

For a link to a series of articles I have published at E-zine Articles see:

I couldn't get the above links to work using HTML, ...... sorry about that. Just cut and paste the line into the top of your browset.

Here is a little bit of blantant self promotion as well.

Do you know anyone who is interested in promoting their business on the Internet at very low cost ? If you do, drop me a little electronic mail, and let me know. I will even teach someone how to promote themselves or their business. A great deal of expense can be saved if you have time and inclination, or staff to help you.

OK enough promo.

Good luck in all your endeavors, and in your Search Engine Placement attempts.

PS - don't mind my use of keywords, that is just how I write and blog. It's practically second nature for me now.

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