If you simply would like to hone your writing skills, or find some good writer's software tools, these links may benefit your writing. Especially if you have ever experienced "writer's block", they can certainly help.
Nearly all of my writing is blogging for US web site promotion. I really have only ever experienced momentary writer's block. I should consider myself fortunate, I suppose. Mainly this is because there is such a rich cornucopia of information on the subject on a daily basis, that I draw inspiration from others. I monitor all of this information using an RSS reader called RSSOwl.
I haven't had a chance to explore all of the links on these pages, but many of the sites I have heard of before.
One of the sites listed has a very clever name, "Men with Pens". I don't know if there are any women that write for the blog or not, (no offense to women writers), but it certainly is a name that is easy to remember.
As a writer, if you do not have your own blog, I highly recommend it.
Blogging is to writing like exercise is to the body.It will keep you in shape, regardless of the topic you choose. I certainly would be willing to help you to get one set up. Here are four highly recommend resource lists.