Wednesday, May 26, 2010

From Russia With Love

Our last meeting took place at the home of Alan and June Saunders on Sunday, May 16. Present were June, Kerry Pobanz, Jerry Chesnut, Richard Panzer (congrats again on your new appointment!), and Bob and Karen Beebe. Bob began by sharing some words of wisdom on the importance and purpose of description and dialogue in fiction writing. Finding the right balance and being sure whatever you write is relevant to the plot is essential. Bob then shared his latest and hastily written new chapter from his ongoing (and often stalled) novel set in Siberia. Protagonist Jim Brady returns to the hostel in Sludyanka (a little village on Lake Baikal) after missing a train to Moscow to the delight of the locals there for whom this forlorn American has brought a bit of excitement into their lives. He orders a long distance telephone call to his wife in St. Petersburg only to be kidnapped by some wayward Tajiks before being able to connect with her. Last seen, they are heading towards Russia's border with Mongolia. To be continued...

Our next meeting WILL NOT BE this Sunday, but next Sunday, June 6, 3:00-6:00 pm, at the Pobanz residence, where we will depart from our normal meeting procedure to have a barbeque. We are inviting all those who have had some connection with the Writers Haven over the past few years as well as any newcomers interested to find out what this writers group thing is all about. Please come and bring some homemade dish of your own. There will be time for public reading of poetry or prose if you feel so inclined. Just let me know beforehand.