Thursday, May 14, 2009

May Musings

Thank you for making our last meeting such a success. It was the first meeting hosted by our newest member, Russell Giordano, and he did a fantastic job. Actually I heard it was the first event he's ever hosted at his place. Let's hope there will be many more! Present were Russell, Kerry Pobanz, Jerry Chesnut, Valerie Shimoyama, June Saunders, Richard Panzer, and Bob and Karen Beebe.

Bob started things off by sharing some words about what holds writers back (basically fear: fears about your own ability and fears about how others may respond to your work). Fears about yourself prevent you from doing your best work. Fears about your reception by others prevent you from doing your own work. He followed this up with 8 tips for creating compelling conflict in writing fiction.

Following this, Russell bravely presented a debut piece: a reflection on the life of an old friend who recently passed away. Its theme, one we can all relate to to some degree: unfulfilled potential; what might have been; how things could have been different if our response, or the response of others to our circumstances, had been different. We hope Russell will continue developing this piece.

Next Jerry presented the latest installments of his ongoing story: the next chapter from where he left off, and a chapter slated to be near the end of the work. In the former, protagonist Jerrod proposes a first ever class reunion from college. The latter focused on Jerrod's relationship with his teenage son and reflecting on his departed wife. Heavy stuff. Jerry is nothing but honest. We pray for the continuing development of his story.

Our next meeting is scheduled for this Sunday, May 17, 3:00-5:00 pm, at Jerry's house (11 Sorbello Road, Paramus). Kerry will present another essay on life in the spirit world (see the attachment). We expect Valerie to offer one of her writings as well looking back on her life.

I am attaching a couple of submissions I received for the upcoming second issue of The Spirited Goldfinch. I look forward to any of your comments at the meeting.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Of the People

My apologies for getting this off so late. We have a meeting scheduled for this Sunday, but first...

Our last meeting took place on Sunday, April 19, at the Pobanz residence. Present were Kerry Pobanz, June Saunders, Valerie Shimoyama, Jerry Chesnut, Russell Giordano, and Bob and Karen Beebe (and we thank Carol for all the nourishments provided during the course of the meeting). Bob began by reading something about "Turning Your Characters Inside Out", in other words revealing the inner thoughts and emotions of the characters in your writing (the main ones anyway). This is importance if you want your readers to care about what happens to them. They have to be able to get inside their heads, to "be" them in a sense.

Then we heard from someone who is very good at doing that, June, who presented a newly written chapter of her Civil War novel that goes back and tells how her two main protagonists, Gabriel and Simeon, first met each other and what happened to build a friendship between these two very different kinds of personages. She even threw in a little known story about young Abe Lincoln getting into a fistfight with the local tough, ultimately winning the respect of the townspeople and the tough himself.

So, our next meeting is planned for this Sunday, May 3, 3:00-5:00 pm, at the home of Russell Giordano (91 Warren St., Apt. 1B, Nutley). Russell will present a little something (haiku, poem, some kind of vignette?). Then Jerry will come forth with the latest installment of his work-in-progress. Should be exciting, so I look forward to seeing you there despite the late notice (mea culpa).

God bless you all!
